What’s involved in creating a website?

August 10, 2013

There are 3 main things that all websites will need, from the most basic to the most complex:

  1. A domain name.
    This is the unique name of your website that identifies it and allows users and search engines to find and view your website in a browser, e.g. jebwebsolutions.com.au.
    The cost of a domain name varies depending on its ending and on who provides the registration, but as a rough guide, should cost around $10 per year.
  2. A host, or web server.
    This is the physical location of the individual files and directories that make up your website. Your website host can be any computer connected to the internet, but it needs to be available 24/7, 366 days a year and have sufficient space and bandwidth to store your website and allow multiple internet users to access it at once.
    There are many companies providing reliable, fast hosting with ample storage space and features, for as little as $5 per month.
  3. The website itself.
    This is the collection of files and directories comprising the various pages within your website.
    This is where JebWeb Solutions can help you! We will work closely with you in determining your requirements and creating a great-looking, easy to use website with plenty of excellent features within your budget. Get in touch to get started!


JebWeb Solutions is happy to manage all 3 of these requirements for your website, or you can source your own domain name and hosting if you prefer and just let us manage the creation and development of your website – it’s up to you!

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