nextgen gallery

NextGen Gallery: Choosing a gallery template when displaying an album

  • July 25, 2013

Apologies for neglecting my blog of late! I've been working on creating and updating several websites and hope to post news of them soon. While working on a new WordPress website for a client, I came across a small problem for which I couldn't find a fix on the internet. Having managed to solve it, I thought I'd post it in case it helps others. My client wants to include a photo gallery as a central feature of her website. As NextGen Gallery is far and away the best WordPress gallery plugin, I installed it and began to configure and customise it for her needs. She requested that there be one Gallery...


NextGEN Gallery – Restrict gallery access to specific users

  • December 4, 2012

Anyone using WordPress will most likely be aware of the NextGEN Gallery plugin as the most popular and widely used plugin for managing photo and image galleries. I've used it on a number of sites and love the way it is easily installed, managed and customised to provide unique and beautiful ways of displaying photos. The admin interface is also easy to use and allows for really handy features such as uploading photos in a ZIP file, automatic resizing of images to avoid long page load times, automatic thumbnail generation and even watermarking. Recently however, a photographer client asked me if she could...